Bruise Juice & Calendula Oil by Jeanne Rose
History of
Bruise Juice During
1969 I was trying to figure out how to cure my paralyzed shoulder.
One source for historical herbal information was the library at the
U.C. Medical School. There I found a most fascinating book,
Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, by Sir Kenelm Digby,
Knight, 1668. There was a recipe for a potent ointment that would
heal at a far distance. Well, that was certainly fascinating as it
meant if you had an injury in New York I could rub the same place in
while in San Francisco and heal your injury 3000 miles away. So I
set about collecting the ingredients and spent the next six months
working on the formula. Since the receipt itself was so old, the
names of many of the herbs were a mystery: such as what in heck was
smallage? It turns out the name smallage is simply an old name for
Celery seed. So that was not a problem. Also, the ointment was made
with herbs in season. that is, freshly picked botanicals. This
meant that I had to start in spring and end at the next spring. I
solved this problem by purchasing some dried herbs from Natures
Herb Company in San Francisco and also using some fresh herbs.
The process and original formula is in my book,
Herbs &
Things that was written in 1969 and published in
This book is still available and is still a wonderful source
of information. Buy it in the month of September and receive
a big discount by saving $13 on shipping charges. So the
entire amount to send would be only $18.00
www.jeannerose.net |
I teach my students how
to make both bruise Juice and a truly wonderful Calendula infused
oil in my
Herbal/Aromatic SPA class given in April of every year.
Check out our classes and sign up, you too can learn to take care of
yourself and your family with simple herbs and essential oils.
I always use at least 50
60 herbs, roots, barks and spices in the
Bruise Juice
to combat any sort of physical problem. Great for athletes;
football, baseball, lacrosse, basketball, rugby and used on all
sports injuries Bruise Juice, pick and start work on a waxing moon.
Let it drain and bottle on a waning moon.
Herb |
Eliminator Herb |
Building/Maintain status Herb |
Analgesic 20%
Relieves pain |
Aromatic 10%Smells
Feels good
Cleans |
Astringent 20%Tightens skin or helps reduce discharge |
Emollient 20%Soothing/Healing |
Healing 30%Heals/antifungal/
Antiseptic |
Aloe vera
Basil California
Tobacco leaf
Lemon Balm
Spearmint |
Bay leaf
Geranium root
Rose petal/leaf
Witch Hazel
Yarrow |
Aloe vera
Comfrey leaf/root
Marshmallow leaf
Slippery Elm
Violet leaf
Nasturtium Oregano leaf/root
Thyme |
Essential Oils per gallon Each quart of Bruise Juice
contains over 2.5% essential oil and should contain all or some of
these oils. Tea Tree essential oil by itself is not effective.
Plai first aid in all its forms
Litsea anti-viral (in a combination with Tea Tree 19)
Palmarosa anti-fungal and anti-yeast
Rosemary verbenone - anti-fungal (verbenone) and stimulating
Spikenard anti-fungal
Tea Tree mild anti-bacterial and first aid treatment
Some of the herbs that I
have used are as follows of course since this is a Seasonal
product, the herbs used depend on the season that we are making the
Bruise Juice.
Spring Bruise Juice is often greens, leaves and early flowers;
Summer Bruise Juice is flowers and lots of herb parts; Fall Bruise
Juice is leaves and roots; Winter Bruise Juice is often conifers,
seeds and barks.
Angelica archangelica leaf & stem
Artemisia absinthium Absinthe leaf
Artemisia arborescens leaf & stem
Artemisia latiloba - leaf & stem
Artemisia vulgare leaf & stem
Artichoke leaf Cynara scolymus
Bougainvillea flowers & leaf
California Poppy flowers
California Fuchsia
Comfrey flower, leaf & stem
Fennel Seed
Fern (Lady Fern) Athyrium filix-femina
Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
Forget-Me-Not Myosotis sylvatica
Foxglove flowers
Giant Sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum
Iboza riparia leaf & stem (anti-microbial)
Lemon Balm leaf & stem
Marjoram & Yellow Marjoram Origanum majorana
Marshmallow leaf & stem Althea officinalis
Matilija Poppy Romneya coulteri Fried egg flower
Mint leaf & steam of Bergamot mint, Wild mint
Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
flower, leaf & stem
Nicotiana alata Tobacco flower
flower, leaf & stem
Pelargonium graveolens flower & stem
Pelargonium odoratissimum (Apple & nutmeg) |

Healing Symbol
Peppermint leaf & stem
Potato Solanum tuberosum - leaf
Rose eglanteria leaf
Rosemary leaf & stem
Salvia clevelandii
Pineapple Sage leaf & stem
Sequoiadendron gigantium leaf & bark
Spanish mint - leaf & stem
Spearmint leaf & stem
Strawberry, wild
Violet leaf & stem & flowers
Wisteria flower W. sinensis
Witch Hazel bark, stems, buds
Woodruff leaf
Yarrow flower & stem (Achillea millefolium)
Bruise Juice
is a well-known product developed by
Jeanne Rose in 1969. It was written
about & described in
Herbs & Things, Jeanne Roses
Herbal see pages 204-206. Each
season of the year, the Bruise Juice is made with the freshest herbs
of the season so Spring Bruise Juice will smell and react a bit
different than Summer made or Fall made Bruise Juice. Apply with
fingers, cotton ball, t-tip as massage, application or rub. Rub it
on gently or firmly, as often as necessary, at least several times
per day
Summer 2008 made
Juice with herbs including
Comfrey leaf emollient & healing
Yarrow flowers astringent & healing
Lemon Balm tops aromatic & antiviral
Mint & Bergamot mint - aromatic
Witch Hazel leaves astringent
Marshmallow flowers and leaves healing
Essential Oils of Plai, Lavender & Rosemary
Uses for Healing Bruise Juice externally applied |
Aching joints
Aching muscles
Aching shoulders
Arch pain
Back pack shoulder pain
Baseball shoulder
Basketball knees
Bath oil
Black eye
Broken ribs
Broken toe
Bug bites
Bunion pain
Cat scratch
fatigue muscle rub
injury (minor)
Cuticle oil
Dance ankles
Dog bites or dog bites dog
Football injury
Ganglion cyst
Golf elbow
Grappling scuffs
Gymnastics aches
Hiking injury
Horseshoe drops on toe
Hunting injuries
Insect bites
Itchy skin
Jaguar scratch
Jumping rope burns
Kangaroo bruise
Kite falls on
Labial tear
Lacrosse slash
Lice itch
Massage oil
Menstrual cramps
Morton Neuroma
Nasty pus sores
Omagod jumping out
of that plane hurt
Open cuts
Parachute hurts
PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome)
Pets who have hurts
Pinworm itch
Poison Ivy/Oak itch
Polo -
those horses can kick
Questionable creature scratches
Refreshing, pick-me-up
Ringworm itch
Rug burns
Rugby injury
Salad dressing (not tasty but edible)
Scraped skin
Shingles pain
Sinus pain external
Sports aches
Tennis elbow
Track sprain
Turf toe
Ulna pain
Unicycle sprain
Vibrator ache
Volleyball hand strain
Walking pain in feet
Water sports injuries
Windsurfing wave whacks
Xanthippe (vengeful woman)
X-ray burn
Yo-Yo elbow/wrist
Youngster fights
- Zebra Kick
- Zoo bite
- Anything else is just extra
We have many users of
the fabulous
Bruise Juice with comments and here
is one,
I received the bottle of Bruise Juice.
Thank you!! I have been using it by application religiously each
morning & evening. It is a wonderful formulation. I love the
scent! If you have that scent in a more concentrated formula as
a fragrance application I would like to know. Warm regards ...
J In the early days, people used this on salad as dressing but
this is the first time that anyone wanted to use it as a scent!
"I gave blood on Saturday. The tech
person poked through the vein and it
immediately swelled bigger than my thumb. When I got home I put
juice on it, liberally. There was almost no bruising, and today
I can
hardly see it at all. The other arm they finally got the pint
out of is
more bruised that the arm that swelled! Good stuff!" -- E.T.
Bruise Juice is always
good applied on childrens injuries and even when those children
grow up to be Warriors.

Bruise Juice Baby, Bryan L. Moore
All rights reserved 2008. No part of this article may
be used without prior permission from Jeanne Rose.
© Authors Copyright Jeanne Rose,