by Jeanne Rose

Forget-Me-Not --
Jeanne’s flowers©
The Salve by Jeanne Rose:
(general Salve formulas
are listed in depth in the
Herbal Studies Course and flower
salves in the
AROMAtherapy Studies Course)
A March event.
Using only what I had available and choosing the smallest pan I had,
a 1-cup stainless steel pot, I packed it with Forget-Me-Not flowers,
as well as a few Meyer Lemon flowers and four Comfrey flowers. Then
I added Camellia oil (any oil would do) to just cover the flowers. I
put this on the stove at the lowest heat and heated until small
bubbles were coming up. Then it was cooled, reheated, cooled,
reheated and cooled. I put a strainer over 1-cup size glass jar,
lined the strainer with tightly woven muslin (silk or tight mosquito
cloth), and poured the pot contents into the strainer. The clear
golden, fragrant oil came through. Then I grated flower wax from a
bar of Mimosa flower wax (any floral wax will do or beeswax). I used
about 4 cup floral wax, placed that in the small pot, added half of
the strained oil, and heated it gently until the floral wax was
melted. Finally, I added the two together, stirred it and let it
This is just as easy as
it can be. I now have a cup of softly fragrant, flower salve. I can
use this as an application to dry hands or for magic such as in
August, I can use it as an eye salve on August 27 after a walk
through the garden to see if I can have any visions.
We make and talk about
Salves and Bruise Juice and Calendula oil in the
Herbal Classes
of June.
Salve #2
On Midsummer’s Eve day at 10 am on 6/20/05 [Solstice is at 11:45
pm tonight); I gathered flowers of Forget-me-Not and flowers of
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and one juicy leaf of Comfrey as
well as a Blue Malva flower. These were all put into the one-cup
size stainless steel pot and 3/4 cup Camellia oil added to soak. IT
was heated, cooled, heated, cooled, until all the liquid of the
plants was gone. The herbs were strained out and 1/4 cup grated Blue
Lotus wax added. Then the salve was heated gently, cooled slightly,
added 8 drops of old Frankincense, stirred and poured into 16 1/2
ounce tins. Cool. This pale blue salve can be used on August 27 or
any holy day for awareness and to expand consciousness.
Many Salve recipes are listed in
Jeanne Rose Books and the products
Special Salves on the
product page of the website.
Visions & Mystery.
August 27 is St. Monica’s Day. It is also a day of visions using the
Forget-Me-Not. In Kull’s book, The Secret of Flowers, he says
“…If one takes a sojourn in Egypt near the 27th day of their month
Thoth (which is near to our month of august), and he anoints his
eyes with the flower Forget-Me-Not, he will be made to see visions…”
This is interesting because the Forget-Me-Not is not native to
Egypt. However, in the hopes that I would see visions, on May 28,
2005 just at the end of the Forget-Me-Not season here in San
Francisco, I made a salve of the flowers.
Magic is just science
not yet known and magic can be studied in the
Ritual is a
Magical Experience and the
Ritual class on June 21
Research on the Forget-Me-Not
Background and
True Forget-me-not is Myosotis scorpioides (Myosotis
palustris). The Family is Borage, the Boraginaceae. The habitat
is wet places and along streamsides.
• Height: 6-24 inches • Flower size: 1/4 inch across
• Flower color: blue with a yellow center
• Flowering time: March to October. The origin of this wonderful
flower is Europe and Asia.
The forget-me-not,
Myosotis sylvatica, bears tiny, delicate blossoms on thin
stalks. It grows abundantly along shady streams and is cultivated as
a border plant and under trees in gardens. This flower is also
Alaska’s state flower. Forget Me Not Myosotis alpestris is
the alpine forget-me-not. It was chosen in 1949. The alpine
forget-me-not is a perennial that grows 5 to 12 inches high in
alpine meadows. The flowers have five connected salviform petals,
colored sky blue, that is a quarter to a third of an inch wide. They
have a white inner ring and a yellow center. The best time to see
the alpine forget-me-not in Alaska is midsummer, from late June to
late July. In addition to finding the Myosotis alpestris,
botanists in Denali National Park might also come across the
mountain forget-me-not (Eritrichium aretiodes) and the
splendid forget-me-not (Eritrichium splendens).
Characteristics: The Forget-me-not flower has five, bright blue,
regular petals that surround a yellow center. The flower is 1/2"
wide. The flowers grow near the end of the stem, each having its own
short stalk off the main stem. When the plant first emerges, the
stem is curled at the end; when the flowers begin to bloom the stem
uncurls. The stem grows 6"-12" high. The simple leaves grow in an
alternate pattern along the stem. Leaves are lance-shaped and are
1-2" long. Both the leaves and stem are covered in fine hair.
Forget-me-nots grow in mats with a widespread root system.
Plant Lore and Old
Uses: There are four species of Forget-me-nots. There are native
and non-native species, but the Myosotis scorpioides is from
Europe. It escaped from gardens and found suitable habitat. The
plant's scientific name and common name have several interesting
theories on their origin. The scientific name, Myosotis, means mouse
ear, which describes the size and shape of the petal. Its species
name, scorpioides, and the common name "Scorpion Weed", are from the
coiled plant stem that resembles a scorpion tail. This appearance
led people to believe this flower was a remedy for scorpion stings;
however, this claim has never been validated. The common name may
have originated from an unpleasant edible experience that was hard
to forget (these plants taste bad), or may have a more heartfelt
It is said that whomever
wore this flower would not be forgotten by his or her lover. There
are two stories that illustrate the flower's significance among
lovers and explain the common name, although both have tragic
endings. In the first story, a suitor was picking this flower for
his love and saw the perfect specimen. It was close to the cliff's
edge but he reached for it anyway. Losing his balance, the man
plummeted over the cliff, shouting, "Forget me not!" as he fell. The
second story originates in Germany. A knight and his lovely lady
were walking along a riverbank. He was picking this flower for her
when he tripped and fell into the river. Before he went under he
threw the small bouquet to her and shouted "vergiss mein nicht", the
German name of the flower.
Modern Uses of this
Plant: The Forget-me-not is used today in gardens and along
I love the flower and plant it extensively in my garden, everywhere.
It blooms and blooms throughout March, April and May. Then it
reseeds itself for another blooming and for the next year. I harvest
the flower in March for the Equinox and to make a salve for visions
in August. I have never had visions but the salve is very soothing
and nice on the skin.
History & Freemasonry…In
early 1934, soon after Hitler's rise to power, Freemasonry was in
danger. In that same year, the "Grand Lodge of the Sun" (one of the
pre-war German Grand Lodges, located in Bayreuth) realizing the
grave dangers involved, adopted the little blue Forget-Me-Not flower
as a substitute for the traditional square and compasses. It was
felt the flower would provide brethren with an outward means of
identification while lessening the risk of possible recognition in
public by the Nazis, who were engaged in wholesale confiscation of
all Masonic Lodge properties. Freemasonry went undercover, and this
delicate flower assumed its role as a symbol of Masonry surviving
throughout the reign of darkness. During the ensuing decade of Nazi
power a little blue Forget-Me-Not flower worn in a Brother's lapel
served as one method whereby brethren could identify each other in
public, and in cities and concentration camps throughout Europe. The
Forget-Me-Not distinguished the lapels of countless brethren who
staunchly refused to allow the symbolic Light of Masonry to be
completely extinguished.
When Past Grand Master
Beyer reopened the ‘Grand Lodge of the Sun’ in Bayreuth in 1947, a
little pin in the shape of a Forget-Me-Not was officially adopted as
the emblem of that first annual convention of the brethren who had
survived the bitter years of semi-darkness to rekindle the Masonic
Light. It meant do not forget the poor and the destitute…
Thus did a simple flower
blossom forth into a symbol of the fraternity, and become perhaps
the most widely worn emblem among Freemasons in Germany;

Rose, Jeanne.
Herbs & Things
Rose, Jeanne.
Ritual is a Magical Experience.
Rose, Jeanne.
Aromatherapy & Herbal Studies Course
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All rights reserved 2008. No part of this article may
be used without prior permission from Jeanne Rose.
© Authors Copyright Jeanne Rose,