A Synergy of Herbs & Essential Oil Therapy A Series
Alternative Treatments VARICOSE VEINS
by Jeanne Rose

Bruise Juice & Calendula oil Jeanne
Rose photo
What are Varicose or Spider
Varicose veins affect approximately 30% of the U.S. population, with
70% being female and 30% being male. Varicose and spider veins are
not just a cosmetic problem, but can cause a variety of symptoms
including aching, fatigue, heaviness, burning, throbbing, itching,
cramping , swelling, as well as ulceration. The causes of varicose
veins include heredity, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged standing and
hormonal influences.
Varicose veins are those
superficial veins that have become enlarged and have lost their
ability to effectively transport blood. 90% of all blood volume is
carried by the deep system and the normal channels so the varicose
veins are not effectively contributing to your overall circulation.
If the blood doesn't flow efficiently, the veins become enlarged
because they are congested with blood. They appear distended and
ropey looking.
Once a vein has become
varicosed it will not go back to normal and must be treated. If left
untreated, severe varicose veins can lead to chronic swelling, skin
color changes, eczema type symptoms and finally to ulcerations that
will not heal until the veins are taken care of.
What are Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are actually the anatomical term for "'cushions of
tissue filled with blood vessels at the junction of the rectum and
the anus." However, the term has come into common usage to indicate
the condition where there are varicosities or swelling and
inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. Perianal hematoma are
sometimes misdiagnosed and mislabeled as hemorrhoids, when in fact
they have different causes and treatments.
In Herbalism there are
not specific treatments for names problems such as there are in
medicine. Here, generally speaking, enlarged superficial veins such
as varicose veins in the legs or varicose vein in the rectum are
treated much the same.
Calendula Infused Oil:
We make our own Calendula infused oil using only fresh Calendula
flowers and a good grade of Olive oil (but not the green extra fancy
from California) according to a method developed by Jeanne Rose. We
use freshly picked flowers, not dried flower.
Calendula flowers are in
bloom in June in California and later in the season in states to the
east such as Montana. [1 lb fresh orange Calendula flowers to 1
gallon of good Olive oil, use the recipe in
Aromatherapy Book, Applications & Inhalations by Jeanne
Rose]. Use what you need and keep the balance refrigerated. You can
also purchase it from
Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy, freshly
made during the year. We also have
Herbal & Aromatherapy classes in June
where we teach students just how to make a good quality Calendula
infused oil and a perfect Bruise Juice.
Massage Oil:
To 2 oz of the Calendula infused oil (for varicose veins) or Bruise
Juice (for hemorrhoids), add 10 drops Cypress, 20 drops Lemon and 10
drops Juniper and 10 drops Rosemary. Massage very lightly and work
up from the feet towards the heart concentrating on the area on the
legs with the varicose veins moving your hands upwards in long
strokes. Cypress is a venous decongestant while the other oils can
act as astringents and reduce edema. Add the tincture of Horse
Chestnut to the massage oil for added benefits.
Another essential oil for varicose veins is Helichrysum (from
Corsica). This is a beautiful light green oil with a particular
honey scent. 10 drops of this essential oil to Calendula infused oil
can be used alternately to the above formula.
Eat foods with vitamin C and bioflavonoid. Eat colored foods,
berries, cranberries, purple grapes, and cherries for flavonoids as
well as the whites of the Orange. Eat dark green foods, vegetables,
wild foods such as Nettles and Dandelion greens and blue foods such
as blue Potatoes, blue broccoli, purple long beans.
Horse Chestnut extract (Aesculus hippocastanum) is used as a
treatment for Varicose Veins and hemorrhoids (add tincture to a sitz
bath).. It is well documented as a relief for chronic venous
insufficiency and edema. The seeds are dried, pulverized, and soaked
in alcohol. Water is added to bring the % down to 60-80%. The seeds
contain hydroxycoumarins, flavonoids, tannins, and aescin, which is
the most active ingredient. Adverse reactions of taking the
tincture/extract are rare. Take the extract 2-3 times per day or use
it in creams, lotions, massage oils in combination with Horsetail,
Cypress, Rosemary and Citrus. Jeanne Rose teaches the herbs needed
in therapy in her
Herbal Studies Course.
Vitamin C, E, Zinc at night with your Calcium/Magnesium and B6 and
then your regular B vitamins in the morning. If you go to the health
food store you will find some really good specific vitamin formulas
for Varicose veins. You might want to try them.
Exercise: Swimming
Formula for Hemorrhoids/Varicose Veins:
Take 30 drops (1 ml) each of Cypress, high linalool Lavender, MQV.
Put into a 4 oz glass bottle. Mix them together completely. Add 90
(3 ml) drops of Bruise Juice . Mix together. Apply regularly to the
hemorrhoids or apply by gentle massage to the varicose veins. This
formula is available from
Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy- Special Products
for $35/bottle + shipping and handling.
of Aromatic & Herbal Studies, 219 Carl St., San
Francisco, CA 94117.
http://www.jeannerose.net/. To order call 415/564-6785 or
fax order to 415/564-6799 or e-mail to
Rose, Jeanne.
375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols.
Berkeley. Frog Ltd., 1999.
Rose, Jeanne.
Herbal Body Book. Berkeley.
North Atlantic Books, 2002.
Rose, Jeanne. Private Notes from 1973.
DISCLAIMER: This work is
intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for
accurate diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care
professional. Dosages are often not given as that is a matter
between you and your health care provider. The author is neither a
chemist nor a medical doctor. The content herein is the product of
research and some personal and practical experience. Institute of
Aromatic & Herbal Studies - Jeanne Rose©
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All rights reserved 2004. No part of this article may
be used without prior permission from Jeanne Rose.
© Authors Copyright Jeanne Rose,