Sports Relief Oils — Injuries And What to Do about it
by Jeanne Rose

Introduction. “Exercising is good for you, but
sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports or exercise.
Accidents, poor training practices or improper gear, even poor
nutrition, can cause them. Some people get hurt because they are not
in shape. Not warming up or stretching enough can also lead to
The most common sports
injuries are
Sprains and strains
Knee injuries
Swollen muscles
Achilles tendon
Pain along the
If you get hurt, stop
playing. Continuing to play or exercise can cause more harm.
Treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and
Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling and speed
healing. Other possible treatments include pain relievers, keeping
the injured area from moving, rehabilitation and sometimes surgery”
as well as complimentary and alternative treatments that often work
better than surgery. … see…National Institute of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Essential Oils to use on aching muscles,
strains, pain, or damaged ligaments: These oils are all available in
a handy aromatherapy kit from Jeanne Rose, called,
Relief Kit.
Blue Sage (Artemisia
douglasiana) as a tonic, cleansing, astringent, fat-reducer; Use
in cellulite-reducing massage with Juniper Berry. It is especially
useful for all forms of exercise and sports injuries.
Cypress (Cupressus
sempervirens). Use with Bruise Juice and apply externally for
aching muscles, strains or pain, inhale to warm and uplift; it is
soothing and relaxing when inhaled. This oil can also be used with
Lemon oil and Grapefruit peel as well for external massage for
cellulite, aching joints and as a soothing astringent.
Basil or Holy Basil (Ocimum
basilicum). In a Bruise Juice base this oil is useful for the
heart, nerves, sinews and tendons. It is analgesic and soothing to
aching muscles. It is inhaled to stimulate the mind and intellect
and is applied with Rosemary oil to aching muscles or to the scalp
for conditioning and to improve hair-growth.
Juniper Berry (Juniperus
communis). Use in cellulite-reducing blend, to stimulate the
mind, or as a rub for arthritis to reduce inflammation and relieve
pain. This is a great oil when mixed with all the others mentioned
for sports injuries.
Lemon (Citrus limon)
as a tonic, cleansing, astringent, fat-reducer; it is used in
cellulite-reducing massage with Juniper Berry and Cypress or mixed
with other oils on your muscles. If you mix the Lemon oil with oils
from the
Woman’s Kit such as Grapefruit peel oil, they are
refreshing and when used as a scent people will think you are 5
years younger.
Sage (Salvia
officinalis) is especially good for deodorizing underarms and
feet, always dilute to 1% in a carrier – oil or lotion. This is an
analgesic (pain-relieving) essential oil; apply, rub in gently and
then apply when needed for all exercise related problems. Works
especially well along with
Bruise Juice.
All of these oils can be
used together, they will be analgesic (pain-relieving) to ease the
aches and pains of rigorous exercise; they can also be healing if
there are any tears or inflammation in the muscles. Use them often
and as often as needed. Sometimes for very painful injuries you may
wish to add carrier oil to the essential oils. A 10% mixture of
essential oils to 90% carrier will be therapeutic.
The addition of Bruise
Juice as a carrier oil to any of the oils will both improve and
increase healing. These oils are conveniently contained in
Jeanne Rose
Sports Relief Kit and is available at the Jeanne Rose
Online Store.
Hydrosols are good sprayed on
sports injuries where there is open skin. Any hydrosol that is
fresh and clean can be sprayed on an injury to both clean it and to
reduce pain. When you are bicycling or skiing and you fall, not only
might strain muscles but you may also scrape the skin. A hydrosol
such as Tea tree will clean the wound and if you are thirsty can
also be diluted and drunk for an internal cleansing effect. In
particular, for sports scrapes, thorns, small cuts; the best
hydrosols are the ones that you have with you but in particular,
Lavender, Tea Tree and Owyhee are good.
Massage • Massage your
body with a mixture of essential oils such as Sage and Basil; 10
drops each in 2-4 ounces of carrier oil for aching muscles. Other
essential oils are valuable for Sports Relief and aching muscles (or
arthritis), try Cypress, Juniper Berry, Blue Cypress and Lemon added
to any of them for a superb massage oil formula. Two% is the
recommended amount of essential oil to carrier oil. That is 2 drops
essential oil to 98 drops carrier. Make good use of your essential
oils in Jeanne Rose Sports Relief Kit.
These same oils are also
excellent in the treatment of cellulite. For a cellulite treatment,
massage in the named essential oils, wrap the area in saran wrap and
then wrap in very warm towels for 20 minutes.
Food Ideas & Supplements
Before your exercise, take 1-3 tablespoons of bee pollen for
endurance. Afterwards, take a little Wheat germ oil in skim milk for
energy. Use these two food supplements before and after all exercise
and it will negate the need for a meal, that is, if you are trying
to diet. Bee pollen is a good supplement food for healing aching
muscles and joints and it makes up a healthy part of the diet of any
sports-minded athlete.
If your muscles ache, part of the ache is the
buildup of lactic acid. You might also drink a tea of Saffron.
Saffron helps to remove the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.
Exercise Ideas
exercise is good exercise. Simply walking 20 minutes per day is
enough to get blood moving to all your parts. This will stimulate
your body, exercise your heart and improve your outlook. Winter
exercise can include skiing and summer exercise, or water sports.
Water skiing strengthens the legs and arms. Jogging in the sand,
volleyball, and baseball are all fantastic summertime conditioning
sports. Skiing, snowboarding and hiking are excellent in the winter.
Learn how to swim or go swimming. I strongly recommend that you take
swimming lessons, and enroll the children. You and your family can
enjoy this sport for your entire life. If you breaststroke or
backstroke, 400-500 calories are used every hour, while the crawl
uses 400 calories every thirty minutes. Learn to swim, this will
also be helpful if you like to boat or water ski. Swimming can save
your life.
Swimming is an excellent sport for the disabled. The
water supports weight and conditions the body in a relatively short
time. Swimming tones the shoulders, upper arms, chest, back,
abdomen, and legs and thighs. It is an excellent sport particularly
for sedentary persons who need to strengthen and tone their backs.
Swimming is especially stimulating to the heart and lungs.
Experience the pleasures and health of hydrotherapy; these water
therapies include hot tubs, hot baths with Epsom salts, whirlpools,
mineral waters, mud baths and hot and cold mineral water sprays.
These water therapies can be used for all types of diseased states
and if used regularly will aid the body to heal. Read the
Health article.
Read Jeanne Rose
Herbal Body Book for many baths and clean products
for the skin.
Any exercise should be
undertaken for a minimum of forty-five minutes -- it takes the body
thirty minutes simply to mobilize its fat reserves before actually
using them for energy. In other words, if you swim or run for
forty-five minutes, the first thirty minutes conditions the body and
the last fifteen burns fat.
Bruise Juice
is an invention of
Jeanne Rose and has been made regularly since 1969.
• This is may be my most favorite and most powerful formulas for
sunburn, scratches, insect bites or any type of scrapes. I have been
making it with the seasons since 1969. I make Bruise Juice to the
waxing and waning moon because it makes a better product. It takes 2
weeks to make. I make it as often as necessary and whenever I have
orders. For skin care, for healthful body care you cannot beat
Bruise Juice.
Use it for everything, bruises, sunburn, aching joints, sore
muscles, irritated skin, bug bites, bruised or broken ribs, whatever
you can think of, Bruise Juice will help it. Use it often as
necessary. It is used on horses and pets as well.. I add essential
oils to the basic herbal formula. Some of these oils can be Plai –
first aid in all its forms; Rosemary verbenone - anti-fungal
(cineol) and for its physically and mentally stimulating scent;
Spikenard – anti-fungal and mentally soothing; Canadian Hemlock –
mild anti-bacterial and first aid treatment and/or
Tea Tree, Manuka or Kanuka.
For these latter
essential oils from Australia, please see the profiles in the
articles section of the website
Bruise Juice
Healing from 1625
Always at least 50 – 60 herbs, roots, leaves, flowers,
barks and/or spices in the Bruise Juice To combat any sort
of physical problem.
Rub it on gently or
firmly, as often as necessary,
at least several times per day.
BRUISE JUICE — $32 per 8 oz or $99/quart
wholesale price + $14.50 Shipping Each quart of Bruise Juice
contains over 3.8% essential oil |
# #
All rights reserved 2008. No part of this article may
be used without prior permission from Jeanne Rose.
© Authors Copyright Jeanne Rose, and

Jeanne Rose - 2008 - Pop-Up Book Reception