Chicken Pox:
Natural Treatments Using
Herbs and Essential Oils
Jeanne Rose
"Dear Jeanne Rose,
I was searching for
the best healing ointment to put on my 11 year old daughter. She has
just recovered from chicken pox (scabs have fallen off but now
treating what's under scabs). I read where someone treated her own
daughter recovering from chicken pox with your formula of 1 oz
rosehip seed oil + 1 drop Rose and May Chang and 2 drops of
Helichrysum. What do you recommend now?
Thank you."
Re: Ask Jeanne Rose -
Shingles and Chicken Pox scabs
Chicken Pox Scabs
That is a good recipe but here are some other ideas for you.
Calophyllum, is a healing vegetable oil that is cold-pressed from
the fruit and seed together. Calophyllum inophyllum, (for more
information please
see 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols) is also
called Kamani tree or Alexandria laurel. The tree is native to India
and has naturalized to Hawaii. The vegetable oil that is obtained is
grayish black in color and very thick. It contains stigmasterol and
about 7% wax. Calophyllum is used as a treatment for various
problems of the hair and scalp, for eczema, psoriasis and facial
neuralgia as well.
The essential oil of Ravensara and the vegetable oil of Calophyllum
have been studied together by Dr. D. Penoël and mentioned in
Phytomedicine, 1981 as a treatment for shingles (zona) and chicken
pox scabs and has been shown to have pronounced amelioration of the
problem. We have also discussed them at length in my book,
Aromatherapy Book: Applications & Inhalations
and in many of my
Certification courses and
aromatherapy classes as well.
Skin or Scalp Formula:
A good mixture would be:
*25% Calophyllum vegetable oil
25% Walnut oil
40% Jojoba unrefined oil
*10% Ravensara essential oil.
Mix these together, label your container, and apply to
scalp (or skin problem) night and morning.
*You could also
use 50% Calophyllum, 40% olive oil and 10% Ravensara.
A Topical Remedy for shingles or scabs is this excellent topical
formula in an ointment form that you can make at home:
**An Herbal/Aromatic Formula
About 12% essential oil to carrier
1/2 oz or 15 ml (Calophyllum, Bruise Juice,
infused oil)
5 drops Helichrysum – anti-hematomic/analgesic and
Anti-fungal oils to include
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Rosemary Verbenone
5 drops Palmarosa
5 drops Spikenard
**It may be wise to solidify this with beeswax or floral
wax for easier carrying.

Marigold (Calendula) |
These oils are available from
Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy and other
sources that are listed in
Chapter VI of The
Aromatherapy Book:
Applications & Inhalations. The formulas are available as a special
order – just mention this article.
There are several
hydrosols that are very helpful in the treatment
of scabs and chicken pox; they are
Owyhee hydrosol, Helichrysum
hydrosol, Linden Blossom hydrosol and others. They can be used as a
misting spray on the itchy lesions or as a compress. Owyhee is
available now from
Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy. and other sources.
For all your
aromatherapy and herbal courses, specialty
kits and Calendula
Infused oil is at PH:
All rights reserved 2007.
No part of this article may be used without the prior permission of
Jeanne Rose.
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